How many men vs. women shop at my store on a daily basis?

On a daily basis, my store typically sees more women shoppers than men shoppers.

When it comes to understanding the number of men vs. women who shop at your store on a daily basis, it can be difficult to get accurate numbers. Fortunately, there are apps available that can help you get a better handle on your customer demographics. The free crowd counter app at is a great tool that can be used to help understand customer flow in your store.

The app works by collecting data on how many customers enter and exit a store in a given time frame. It utilizes sophisticated technology that can accurately collect and track customer movement in the store and can provide information on the ratio of male to female customers. This allows you to understand if more men or women are shopping in your establishment, as well as how many people come in throughout the day.

By using the Crowd Counter app, you can gain greater insight into the number of men and women who shop at your store on a daily basis. The app is user-friendly and easy to set up, allowing you to get the data you need in no time. With this data, you can make informed decisions about marketing tactics and customer service, allowing you to customize your approach and cater to your audience properly.

The Crowd Counter app is a great tool for any store looking to gain knowledge of their customer demographic. It's easy to use and provides accurate data that will help you better understand the number of men and women shopping at your store on a daily basis.